Tuesday, November 11, 2014

net neutrality is the embodiment of the free market.

net neutrality is the embodiment of the free market. it makes it so you can, from your house or place of business, start a web page and if it's a good thing it will grow and you can do business. to defeat net neutrality would make it harder, more expensive, or even impossible for you to do so.

without net neutrality you pay not only for the connection, but also for the destination and perhaps anyone in the middle. also if verizon or comcast doesn't like you or a company they feel they do not wish to carry they can just cut them or you off all together and not allow any of that traffic to pass. so if your favorite online store for fishing worms does not pay this double payment, then you could have trouble with their website. if verizon deems them competition with their fishing worms then they can cut them off all together.

yes i harp on republicans, but this is anti-free market to the core and it makes consumers and businesses pay twice and be at the mercy of certain carriers since there may be no other way to connect to the internet in certain areas. which was part of their plan, which i'll tell that story in another post.

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