Wednesday, December 04, 2013

general entry

Cleaned up my blogger profile. Have decided to finish up some work in writing. So I started to learn about LyX text formatter. Now I need to write and figure how to self publish the thing. School ends Monday, whew. I had graduated with the Associates and due to some various factors I wound up taking a technical degree in addition to the arts degree. it does transfer to a BA, but I am so out of gas, that I need to concentrate on my health. I only have two semesters left, but i can barely walk as it is. So I guess i could pick back up in the summer and take next year and do it right.

I am looking forward to some time to heal what ever it is that ails me. Fatigue issues that are insane for 5 years now. I quite smoking and that has helped tremendously. 2 and half months now. I'm very interested in the 90 day mark. I think if you are going to quit anything, try and do it for at least 90 days. I think that's a good mark. I've actually only done that with a couple of things. But none were as intense as the smoking. I have no intentions of ever smoking again.

Next is probably beer. ...maybe just a bit of wine i don't know right now. I'm headed back into a vegetarian diet and things that have dead calories are also on the list of "stay away froms".

okay enough personal stuff...